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Information & Resources for Pet Owners - Timberline Veterinary

Timberline Veterinary Emergency and Specialty

Timberline Veterinary Emergency
Seattle, WA 98125




Client Information and Resources



Person holding rabbit


Timberline Veterinary Emergency and Specialty provides you with a full library of pet medical information from the Veterinary Information Network.  VIN is the world's first and largest online veterinary community, where new articles are added weekly by the experts at VIN to make sure that our readers have the most current veterinary information available. 



Welcome to our library

You can use the search box to find the subject you are looking for. Enter a word or words that describe the topic you want information on eg., CUSHING'S DISEASE.
You can filter your results by first selecting a species.

If you are not familiar with the exact terminology, or you are unsure of the spelling, enter a partial word.

Articles by Species

Click on a species below to view a list of the articles


Other Helpful Resources


ASPCA Animal Poison Center can be reached at (888) 426-4435

For a list of poisonous and non poisonous plants with pictures, click here.

For information on diet associated cardiomyopathy, see the FDA investigation summary.

Helpful information for cat care and addressing urinary issues can be found at the indoor cat project

We are also available 24/7 to answer any questions.  Please call if you are worried about a pet emergency: 206-828-6868